Posts by Collection


Neuro Data Science

An overview of my role in developing advanced data analysis pipelines for eye-tracking technology at Purple Gaze.



EPiC Challenge

Continuous emotion modeling, focusing on the dynamic interplay between physiological signals and emotional states.

Psychedelics and Compassion

Investigating the effects of combining compassionate imagery with ceremonial psilocybin use through EEG, fMRI, physiological, and psychometric assessments

Psychedelic Gaze

Investigating how different doses of psilocybin affect eye movements and visual perception of complex stimuli, particularly in aesthetic contexts.


Electrodermal and behavioral response to emotional Spanish words in native speakers.

Idesis, S. A., D’Amelio, T. A., Batán, S. T., Menendez, J., & Polti, I. (2018). Electrodermal and behavioral response to emotional Spanish words in native speakers. Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento (RACC), 10(1), 43-54.

Novel Interactive Eye-Tracking Game for Training Attention in Children With Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

García-Baos, A.,D'Amelio T. A., Oliveira, I., Collins, P., Echevarria, C., Zapata, L. P., ... & Supèr, H. (2019). Novel Interactive Eye-Tracking Game for Training Attention in Children With Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. The primary care companion for CNS disorders, 21(4).

Faster might not be better: Pictures may not elicit a stronger unconscious priming effect than words when modulated by semantic similarity.

Bruno, N. M., Embon, I., Rivera, M. N. D., Giménez, L., D'Amelio T. A., Batán, S. T., ... & Andreau, J. M. (2020). Faster might not be better: Pictures may not elicit a stronger unconscious priming effect than words when modulated by semantic similarity. Consciousness and Cognition, 81, 102932.

Flow state as a performance measure in Esports

Paz, G. O., Bronzuoli Gallicchio, M. L., Correa Freisztav, M., D'Amelio T. A. (in press). Flow state as a performance measure in Esports. Interdisciplinaria.

Acute effects of psilocybin on the dynamics of gaze fixations during visual aesthetic perception

Muller, S., Cavanna, F., de la Fuente, L. A., Bruno, N., D'Amelio, T.A, Pallavicini, C., & Tagliazucchi, E. (2023). Acute effects of psilocybin on the dynamics of gaze fixations during visual aesthetic perception. bioRxiv, 2023-10.

Affective Computing as a Tool for Understanding Emotion Dynamics from Physiology: A Predictive Modeling Study of Arousal and Valence

D’Amelio, T. A, Bruno, N. M., Bugnon, L., Zamberlan, F., Tagliazucchi, E. (2023) Affective computing as a tool for under- standing emotion dynamics from physiology: a predictive modeling study of arousal and valence. In 2023 11th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW).

Exploring the underlying emotional models in emotion recognition systems with electrodermal activity

D'Amelio T. A., Galán, L. A., Maldonado, E. A., Barquinero, A. D., Tagliazucchi, E., & Engemann, D. A. (2023). Exploring the Underlying Emotional Models in Emotion Recognition Systems with Electrodermal Activity. PsyArXiv.


Semantic processing in Masked Priming: An EEG study

Coordinator in the workshop: “How to do an experiment in Neurosciences? Introduction to psychophysiological methods”. X International Congress of Research and Professional Practice in Psychology. November 2018.

Semantic processing in Masked Priming: An EEG study

Andreau, J.M., Iorio, A., Embon, I., Bruno, N.M., D’Amelio, T.A., Diaz Rivera, M. (2019, November). Semantic processing in Masked Priming: An EEG study. XI International Congress of Research and Professional Practice in Psychology, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Introduction to Python for Psychologists

Collaborator in the workshop: Introduction to Python for Psychologists. XII International Congress of Research and Professional Practice in Psychology. November 2020.

Flow state in eSports

Paz, G. O., D’Amelio, T. A., Bronzuoli Gallicchio, M. L. & Correa Freisztav, M. (2020, November). Flow state in eSports. XII International Congress of Research and Professional Practice in Psychology, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Director Diploma in Cognitive Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology

Diploma, Universidad Abierta Interamericana, 2021

  • Leading a teaching staff of 20 instructors (PhDs, MScs and BAs)
  • Training coordinator in cognitive neuroscience methods: fMRI, TMS, electrodermal activity, HRV, EMG, eye-tracking and neural recording methods in animal models.
  • Data science oriented: the focus is on providing Python and R tools for data analysis of the different psychophysiological methods, as well as ensuring that the appropriate statistical methods are used according to the question to be addressed (e.g. frequentist statistics, machine learning, etc.).